Meet Melanie

Melanie Willins, M.Ed is an Educational Psychologist and child development specialist based in Western MA who has worked with children and families for over 20 years. She focuses on integrating evidence-based child development strategies with holisitic practices to support young children in the context of home and school. Melanie is also a 200YTT yoga teacher and reiki practitioner.

She has spent the last 13 years professionally as a: school consultant, parent coach, nanny, preschool teacher, swim instructor, researcher and developmental specialist for early intervention.

She is grateful to have worked with many families schools and organizations in Massachusetts, Maryland, DC, Virginia, and North Carolina.


University of Virginia

M.Ed Educational Psychology: Applied Developmental Sciences

University of Maryland

B.S. Elementary Education, Human Development


Harvard University

Mental Control Lab


University of Virginia

Social Development Lab

Contemplative Teaching and Learning Lab


University of Maryland

Child Development Lab

Mind, Perception, and Morality Lab


University of North Carolina

FPG Child Development Institute